If you are a fantasy lover and you might keep the name for your girls based on Fantasy and sci-fi Whether you are seeking a creative, fictional, unique, cute, or cool, fantasy name for your girl then you have to come right places.
In this article, we will share with you a long list based on Female Fantasy Names from the worlds of sci-fi and fantasy which help you to find the perfect female fantasy names for your character.
Female Fantasy Names
- Amidala
- Aerwyna
- Aravis
- Andromeda
- Arwen
- Aphrodite
- Arya
- Arete
- Astoria
- Artemis
- Bellatrix
- Asteria
- Brienne
- Astraea
- Catelyn
- Athena
- Cersei
- Bellona
- Cherlindrea
- Calliope
- Daenerys
- Cassandra
- Elora
- Ceres
- Fleur
- Clementia
- Galadriel
- Clio
- Gen
- Cybele
- Gilly
- Carme
- Hermione
- Daphne
- Jadis
- Danae
- Katniss
- Demeter
- Lavender
- Dia
Good Fantasy Names for Female
- Leia
- Dike
- Luna
- Don
- Margaery
- Eirene
- Melisandre
- Erato
- Merry
- Europa
- Minerva
- Fortuna
- Missandei
- Freya
- Morla
- Gaia
- Nymphadora
- Hecate
- Nyota
- Helen
- Olenna
- Hera
- Ornela
- Inanna
- Osha
- Isis
- Padme
- Juno
- Pansy
- Laverna
- Raziel
- Nona
- Rey
- Nyx
- Ripley
- Oreithyia
- Sansa
- Pax
- Shae
- Penelope
Fantasy Girl Names From The Sci-Fi
- Sorsha
- Persephone
- Sybil
- Phoebe
- Willow
- Proserpina
- Ygritte
- Rhea
- Kinsey
- Rosmerta
- Sól
- Venus
- Veritas
- Thalia
- Vesta
- Veritas
- Aerendel
- Aeryn
- Alura
- Arrietty
- Aurora
- Bella
- Diana
- Eowyn
- Porpentina
- Coraline
- Enid
- Hermione
- Eretria
- Glinda
- Isabeau
- Katniss
- Inara
- Kamala
- Mazarine
- Nerys
- Minerva
- Nessa
- Nymeria
- Primrose
Unique Female Fantasy Names
- Ruatha
- Sansa
- Rosalind
- Seraphine
- Sylvia
- Vána
- Tiggy
- Seren
- Wendy
- Willow
- Zazie
- Zyla
- Ysabell